Shuzo Kato / 加藤 修三

Ph.D. student

  • Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, TU Dresden
  • shuzo.kato*
  • Google Scholar
  • About

    I am a Ph.D. student in the group of Prof. Jan Brugues at Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, TU Dresden.

    Fascinated by the beautiful nature of life, I am interested in how biological functions emerge from self-organization in non-equilibrium systems. Wandering at the intersection of physics, engineering and biology, I found my passion in pursuing the physics of life through tinkering.

    I use interdisciplinary approaches of soft matter/statistical physics and cell/synthetic biology to understand emergent structures in the cells. With Prof. Yusuke Maeda at Kyushu University, I experimentally investigated cytoplasmic phase separation using cell-free expression systems and their interplay with gene expression. My work has also involved the quantitative analysis of biomolecular condensates within eukaryotic cells. By combining bottom-up and top-down approaches, I seek to elucidate principles in living systems from the origin of life to eukaryotes.

    [Full CV]


    Other Research Experiences

    Publication (Peer-reviewed)

    1. S. Kato, D. Garenne, V. Noireaux, Y. T. Maeda, "Phase Separation and Protein Partitioning in Compartmentalized Cell-Free Expression Reactions". Biomacromolecules 22, 3451-3459 (2021). [Link].

    Publication (Japanese, 日本語)

    1. 前多裕介, 加藤修三, 福山達也, “ソフトマターで分子を運び、選り分ける”, 607, 現代化学 (2021).

    Fellowships & Grants


